Which is the best plugin for your WordPress website?
Struggling to choose between NitroPack and WP Rocket? Here’s what this comparison review is for!
Although these two plugins come with different features and serve different purposes, let’s figure out which one will bring you more benefits according to your needs.
Some general information to start with:
WP Rocket
- is a WordPress premium caching plugin
- powers over 2,600,000 websites
- offers 3 types of licenses (depending on the number of websites you have)
- RocketCDN and image optimization tool, Imagify, are available as add-ons
- rated 4.9 on Trustpilot
- exclusively designed for WordPress
- is an all-in-one web performance optimization tool
- powers over 140,000 websites
- standard licensing for 1 website only (not so suitable for freelancers and agencies)
- includes CDN and image optimization
- rated 3.9 on Trustpilot
- not specifically designed for WordPress
Main Differences
Essential elements of these WordPress speed optimization tools compared
A Few Words From Users
Who Tried Both Plugins
Real reviews from real users
I switched a site over to test Nitro out and would not recommend them whatsoever.
The performance score does go up but occasionally breaks site with the worst customer service, I had to message the CTO on LinkedIn to get any support. Images not appearing, broken CSS and JS, etc.I can get literally the exact same scores if not better with WP Rocket and asset cleanup pro, and tell you to disable everything else which I found limits what you can do to help tweak things.Hated the UI – it is too basic so you are limited on what settings you can modify, and then when they do it they break the site and since their support sucks, your site is broken until you disable the plugin.
Daniel Lynch, CEO at Empathy First Media
Plugins Comparison at a Glance
All you need to know about WP Rocket vs. NitroPack
Configuration is simple, fast and intuitive
Options to control and customize how caching, preload, file optimization features perform if needed
Blazing-fast + many possibilities to fine-tune your speed
WP Rocket doesn't guarantee specific Page Speed scores but will improve overall performance and is in line with the latest web performance requirements.
Excellent support included in the yearly license
Regularly updated with new versions since 2013 (features, enhancements, compatibilities & bug fixes)
Exclusively designed for WordPress, ensuring better and broader compatibility
Delay JS feature is constantly updated with new exclusions to avoid unexpected errors
Very stable when used on complex sites with animations
From $59 (1 year of support and updates included)
Plans for 1, 3 or an unlimited number of websites
Configuration is simple, fast and intuitive
Fewer possibilities to fine-tune your settings (you cannot customize the features from your end)
NitroPack guarantees a bump in your PageSpeed score if you use the most aggressive settings (with a risk of breaking your website)
Priority support included in paid plans, but slow response time
Regularly updated with new features
Not just designed for WordPress so its compatibility list is shorter than WP Rocket when it comes to hostings, themes, and plugins
Some known compatibility issues with pagebuilders
Pro versions starts from $210/year (up to 50K page views)
Standard licenses for 1 website only (custom plans available on request)
Don’t Just Take Our Word For It
Here is what our users think
WP Rocket is the answer to the CWV
WP Rocket is the answer to the new updates from Google, core web vitals. I have tried a lot of other tools, plugins, etc. This is by far the best and easiest to use. I highly recommend it.
Tony Short
Simply the best cache plugin for WP
Simply the best cache plugin for wordpress. I tried a few other to use with divi, but none were as good. Thank you team rocket for inventing the best speed plugin in the world!
6 Good Reasons
to Switch
91%* of our customers used a free cache plugin before switching to WP Rocket.
Here are the most common reasons why they decided to change:
*Source: Customer Survey January 2020
- The easiest setup
- Improved performance results
- Unique WP Rocket features
- Won’t break your website
- Excellent customer support
- Constant updates and improvements
Already +3,823,000 Websites in Orbit
Why So Many Website Owners
Have Said Yes To WP Rocket
A perfect plugin for every WordPress website
Immediate Results
Install it, activate it, relax, and enjoy the speed boost: WP Rocket automatically applies 80% of web performance best practices right upon activation (yes, even if you didn’t enable any option). No need to touch the code, the default configuration will do the magic.
Powerful Features
Page caching, browser caching, or GZIP compression are only some of the default features that will make your site faster in a blink. And suppose you don’t settle for the standard settings. In that case, WP Rocket includes advanced features such as fonts preloading, delay of JS execution, lazy loading,…and we’re always adding more.
Unique Compatibilities
Keep using your favorite tools without worrying about compatibility. WP Rocket is the only caching plugin accepted by the top managed WordPress hosting providers: WP Engine, Kinsta, and Pressable. Our team continuously works with themes and third-party plugins developers to avoid conflicts between our products.
Updates and Support
When you’re stuck on a technical problem, your business ends up suffering as well. But WP Rocket has your back, always. Our developer and product teams work hard to implement enhancements, fix bugs, and ship constant updates. Friendly support is also included in the price and is available in different time zones.
A Better Performance Starts Here
You can choose between 3 license types
for 1 website
for 3 websites
for unlimited websites
Display Prices In
100% Money Back Guarantee
Although we don’t think you’ll ever want one, we’ll gladly provide a refund if you request it within 14 days of your purchase.